And as an added bonus, you get to witness 100% of your spouses night-time habits. I can say with all seriousness, that 고 does not make a sound. She is silent and almost lifeless except for the occasional shift or move-the-leg-on-top-of-me maneuver. We've lived with each other for over a year and honestly I can't sleep without her silent presence or even her middle of the night leg placement. Now, she might not say the same thing about me. Her issue is more related to my snoring which from what she said, can get pretty violent for the first ten minutes or so. Regardless of our individual quirks, we pretty much have discovered most of our night-time habits at this point. Or so I thought.
Last night was like any other night. We BOTH worked out (by that I mean she worked and I wrote nonsense on my blogs) and then got into bed by 10:30 or 11:00. We fell asleep soon after and that was going to be that. Well, it's starting to get super hot and terribly humid here in Korea, so maybe at 2:00am I woke up to turn the fan on and kick the air conditioner into full gear. When I did that, 고 woke up and asked me to crack the window (see why here). After the air balanced out and it was comfortable again, I fell back asleep.
Again, I woke up. This time it was about 4:30am. I was so hot again and I leaned over to see how 고 was doing with the heat and that's when I discovered the one night-time quirk that I have never known.
Obviously, I knew that she had put this on before bed, but when you're not expecting something so "different", it can throw you for a loop. She's still adorable though!
Looks like chipped beef to me. Forget about the fan urban legend, I think there is something to be scared about if you wear chipped beef products on your face through the night. You've never noticed this before?
She's very gracious to let you take the picture.
All night long?? Poor Go! She must feel like this is good stuff!
She seems to take it off at some point through the night.
That is f-ing terrifying.
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